
Available soon! You'll be the first to know. 

The Wonderful Adventures of Uncle Edmond & Aunt Josephine

Middle-Grade Novel

As Katie deals with her parents’ divorce (and her dad’s sudden interest in having her spend summer vacation with him, not to mention the possibility of her mom dating), her adventurous aunt and uncle send her letters of their travels. Katie’s over-active imagination brings their letters to life, and provide an escape during a summer of change. 

Read Chapter One: Summer Vacation

Read Chapter Two: Cricket

Read Chapter Three: The Farm

Want to pre-order? Contact me. Shipping Dec/Jan.

Jorian and the Golems

Middle-Grade Novel

"Jorian was an orphan. He had not always been one. He had dreams sometimes, and memories, but it was no good telling the other children about them, because they were as dull and gray as the land of Gaol. As damp as the mist that hung low. As dense as the gray brick that made the orphanage building."

Read Chapter One: In Which Jorian Scrubs Toilets

"This is an incredible story and such creative writing.  It is just blowing me away Rose!  Such a fascinating, dark tale." -Bonnie S.

Want to pre-order? Contact me. Shipping Summer '15


I would love to have you join me! Please save these events to your calendar and invite your friends and family. Performances as marked with an asterisk. Click for links, or view more information in Google Calendar view.

Stage Write: Playwrighting for Kids  :: Nov. 4, 11, 18

**Julglädje: Christmas Joy: Music & Story  ::  Dec. 26, 27th

Artists' Roundtable: The Artist's Way ::  Jan. 13, 20, 27, Feb. 3, 10, 17

From Snapshot to Story: personal storytelling  ::  Feb. 6, 7

Once Upon a Folktale: classic storytelling  ::  Mar. 27, 28